Case Study: Refit of Hinckley Tilaria 29C

The Hinckley Talaria 29c was in very good running and aesthetic condition which if anything made this more of a challenge.

The Yacht Care Company and Mylor Yacht Harbor were selected as the contractor and yard of choice to complete this work. The vessel had new teak decks laid on top of the existing gel coat, as well as a new paint job in Aquila White (Jotun) to match her mother ship. The hull below water was blasted back to bare substrate with a new primer and antifoul system applied by spray. The varnish was removed from all surfaces with 14 coats of Awlbrite varnish applied by spray. The Yanmar engine was removed for a full rebuild and repaint, and the Hinckley/Rolls Royce 'JetStick' propulsion control system was replaced with a new model as well as new software and electronics. All of the electronics on the dashboard were replaced with a new carbon fiber fascia. There was very little of the boat that was left untouched, with all tanks opened, cleaned and pressure tested.

The overhaul and upgrade were captured within budget and timescale for the client, who wanted no less than perfection. Seaworthy Services was able to provide the vital link between Boatyard and Owner, ensuring no detail, or level of quality, was overlooked or forgotten.

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